The thing to keep in mind is that if you're out running into WoW Classic SoD Gold arcane, you'll never have the 3% chance to hit from Precision so what you'll require is a hit probability from your equipment. This isn't a lot of a problem if your an extremely well-equipped Raider. All you need is 5% of a hit chance to get hit cap on mobs that are two levels high in revenue, and therefore don't usually the protection of an officer.
Don't I require 4%? Just something to keep in mind that you're likely need to maintain an adequate amount of hit gear. We're only like 4% Hit gears probably not an excessive amount of hit rate as you level up when you're looking for arcane concentration, if you don't have any hit gear due to some reason, you're probably better off speaking with precision instead.
When it comes to glyphs, I tend to use Frost Nova is very important our rotation as we blast wave mobs in the form of a frost Nova. We don't want the frost nova to break as much, since we want to follow immediately with the flame strike. And this glyph kind of helps that process. It's a simple way to help in the killing phase.
We'll discuss this when you get to the play style section. I'd prefer to use the possibility of revocation in case you actually take damage. From time to time when building a fire that's more risky and more naive and you don't have the protection of slowing effects to keep an eye on how you're moving closer to mobs, and simply relying on your insane bursty AoE damage to kill them.
In terms of minor glyphs, he's got the same thing as the frost specification.
When it comes to play style things obviously going to differ depending on the level you're currently at. For instance, if you're playing at a very low point currently. do you have an edge or waist at 14 levels.
Then you unlock Arcane Explosion and then level 16 when you unlock Flamestrike so at that level all you do is you're trying to collect about up to three mobs that frost Novarum Flamestrike Arcane Explosion for as long as you can and that is the best way to progress because you're killing enemies for free at a given time rather than one at a go when you're at level 21.
This is the time to start doing Blizzard cating. It's easy when you are able to clump mobs of your mound you do get your mat level 20 now by the way, as you'll clump them and put them in a frost nova striving to increase the potential. Blizzard strife Blizzard strife, you've heard of this jam, there's loads and loads of videos of people do images kiting and other things similar to that fight which you can check out for more references, then sometimes you'll require Arcane Explosion in order to finish mobs, but as I said in WoW Season of Discovery Gold roughly Lich King the characters more powerful and mobs are less powerful when you get to level 60 or get a living bomb, that's when you can be a real Mage of Fire Chad and begin doing fire AOE leveling boats . I strongly recommend not doing this.
The Wall