The Dos and Don'ts of Tipping Your Taxi Driver from Imtiyaz Ali's blog

When it comes to taking a taxi service in Bhopal, one of the most common questions is about tipping the driver. While tipping is not mandatory, it is a common practice to show appreciation for good service. However, there are certain dos and don'ts that one should keep in mind while tipping their taxi driver. In this blog post, we will discuss the dos and don'ts of tipping your taxi driver in Bhopal.


1) Tip based on the quality of service: The amount you tip should depend on the quality of taxi service in Bhopalprovided by the driver. If the driver was friendly, helpful and took the shortest route, then consider tipping them more than the standard amount.

2) Round up the fare:A simple and easy way to tip your taxi driver is by rounding up the fare. For example, if the fare is Rs. 85, you can round it up to Rs. 100. This way, you are not only tipping but also making the payment process easier.

3) Consider the distance and time:If your ride was longer than usual or if the driver had to navigate through heavy traffic, consider tipping them a little extra. This shows that you appreciate their effort and hard work.

4) Be generous during peak hours:During peak hours, taxi drivers have to deal with heavy traffic and long waiting times. If you are taking a taxi during these hours, consider tipping the driver a little more than usual.

Also Read: Indore Taxi Service


1) Don't tip if the service was poor:If the driver was rude, took a longer route or did not provide good service, then there is no need to tip them. Tipping should be reserved for good service only.

2) Don't feel pressured to tip:Tipping is a way to show appreciation for good service, but it is not mandatory. If you feel that the service was not up to the mark, then there is no need to tip the driver.

3) Don't tip in coins:While it may seem like a good idea to tip in coins, it can be inconvenient for the driver. They have to deal with a lot of coins and it can be time-consuming for them to count and store them.

4) Don't tip too much:While it is important to show appreciation for good taxi service in Bhopal, it is also important not to go overboard with tipping. Tipping too much can make the driver feel uncomfortable and may even come across as insincere.

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By Imtiyaz Ali
Added Apr 10 '24



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