Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Key Locations and Dungeons from Rozemondbell's blog

Key Locations and Dungeons

1. Taylew's Ruined Forge

Taylew's Ruined Forge is a major dungeon in the DLC. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this area:

Starting at the Site of Grace:

From the Taylew's Ruined Forge Site of Grace, descend through a tunnel to a balcony overlooking a lava lake. Collect the Shadow Realm Rune [3] from a corpse on the railing.

Be ready for Lava Slimes dropping from above and Elden Ring Items use the nearby ladder to descend further.

Navigating the Lava Room:

On the lower level, you'll enter a lava-filled room with a large metal pipe. Use the pipe to reach a crumbling stone balcony. Find the Smithscript Greathammer here, guarded by another Lava Slime.

Exploring the Upper Balconies:

Continue along the pipe to reach two balconies. Start with the left to find a Smithing Stone [4]. Defeat the Golem Smiths and collect the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone from a corpse in the back room.

On the right balcony, gather the Smithscript Shield and additional items.

Reaching the Final Section:

Drop down to a lower level to find a corpse with a Smithing Stone [8]. Locate a small tunnel with a ladder leading to the final section of the forge. Defeat enemies, pull a lever to best place to buy elden ring items redirect the large metal pipe, and navigate through the remaining rooms to complete the dungeon.

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