I'm about to receive another chaos and was contemplating which would be more beneficial first RS 2007 Gold. As of now I'm deciding which one to use: chaotic staff and the chaotic maul. I already have a long sword and rapier and I'm comfortable using the ee offhand. I own SOL as well as a the wand of treachary/grifolic. I also have a BGS.
The reason I wanted a cmaul was just to be able to have two-hour t80 weapons and since I'd like have crush weapons for certain slayer tasks. The reason why I'd like a staff is that right currently, I'm mostly using wand/orb. I'm unsure if it's more efficient than SOL however I haven't checked it. Do you think a staff that is Chaotic would be quicker than the wand/orb combo and SOL?
Right now I'm just slaying However, I'd like to start bossing again soon however, I'll have to use chaos until I can get drygores. I've been maging Bandos with orb and wand using the blood barrage dual cast and having no issues. What would a cstaff do to be more efficient? What would a cmaul excel at bossing? I'm hoping eventually to make it to Nex, but I'm not sure if it's useful anymore.
Hello all, I've been off RuneScape for a while recently, but I decided to get to the game about a month today. Since that time, I've been looking and have been working on improving my range of play. To be honest, I've probably been doing this 'wrong' since I'm not entirely sure what could have changed in the area in the last EoC, as I was not around to witness it! Haha.
My question is, at 57 ranged and hoping to be at least 70, what would you suggest in terms of equipment you would use and what to train on? I've got almost 1m in my bank (the drastic fall of Abyssal Whip isn't doing me any favours!) If I were to sell my current gear range OSRS Buy Gold, I'd probably end up with around 1.2m.
The Wall