Other players brought up how impressive Brady's journey within Madden was, just similar to his own Madden 22 coins. When Brady first made an appearance as a player in Madden's game his score was a mere 51 overall. Since then Brady has been able to appear on the cover of two distinct Madden versions and has had his rating rise all the way to a 99 overall.
In reality, Brady's most recent appearance on the cover of Madden was this past season, with Madden NFL 22. So even if this is the end of his career In some ways, Brady will definitely come out winning.
Are you disappointed to hear that Brady is likely to not be playing Madden starting with this year's entry? Please share your thoughts on this announcement either in the comments below or on Twitter , @MooreMan12.
If you'd love to see the reactions that some Madden players have had with the wake of Brady's retirement, be sure to keep reading on down below. (NEXSTAR) (NEXSTAR) original copy of 1990's Sega Genesis game "John Madden Football" is now available for sale at record prices, proving once again that the coaching and broadcasting legend may be the godfather of video sports games.
The auction of video games which ran for two consecutive days this month, the replica in "John Madden Football" sold for $480,000. The price, far over what the original game would have sold for originally, set a world record for the highest amount ever offered for a sports video game cheap mut coins, according to Heritage Auctions.
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